Taleo Customers: Increase Screening Efficiency with Voice Advantage
Job requisitions now with automated phone screening
Set up an audio questionnaire once. Invite candidates to participate. Sit back, and listen to the responses as they roll in. All within your Taleo account. Beautiful.
Listen to the candidate's voice as you decide who to interview
We work best as an assessment tool, adding personality and other missing data to the hiring process. Use Voice Advantage to quickly add audio to that stack of resumes.
Still the same great set of Voice Advantage tools available when you need them.
Our integration with Taleo is designed to simplify the screening and review process, allowing recruiters to operate at amazingly fast speeds. When you need them, you still have full access to all of Voice Advantage's advanced features, which only helps recruiters be even more efficient.
Become another happy, integrated customer. Call us at (414) 755-1962 or send an e-mail to info@voiceadvantage.com.